Why we would not recommend to open a fashion business - and why we still did it

August 21 2023

Why we entered a crowded space

Fashion is a crowded industry where nobody waits for yet another label. There are not many winners in the space - so why would you go there?

As we launched Appoline, we decided to enter an industry that is structurally difficult and where even incumbents struggle. On top of it, the industry is known to be polluting, to be producing too much, and to oftentimes exploiting labor in far away countries. Most of the latter is driven by the typical fast fashion segment, with new 'ultra fast fashion' players even pulling it further to absurd novelty cycles and ridiculous prices that are literally screaming heavy environmental and societal impact. 
However, there are two long term trends that are giving hope and we believe that offering an alternative, showing new ways to consume fashion in a "slow fashion" ways are important. This is why we went to start Appoline. At the heart, it is the thought that any fast fashion piece that is replaced by a conscious purchase of low impact fashion is a victory.


Change does not happen overnight. Brenda & Daniel, APPOLINE founders

What are the two longterm trends we are betting on?

Firstly, rising consciousness of impact of consumerism and fashion. Numerous initiatives and (mostly small and/or local) Brands are created in order to serve conscious buyers, educate, and develop new approaches. We truly believe that, in some (hopefully not too far) future, conscious buying is getting out of the niche segment size it currently is.
Secondly, a consciousness of "made in Europe" and nearshoring. Not only in the fashion industry, the topic of nearshoring, supporting regional / local production and developing the own production footprint has become more important. Not only environmental reasons are driving this, of course. However, we believe in a strong European fashion industry and also in the fact that pieces do not have to travel the world before hitting the wardrobe.
What remains to be proven of the overall 'slow fashion' movement? For sure, the judges are in the end the consumers. Will they buy less and invest into reduced environmental impact, higher quality and distinct business models, such as made to order or local production? We are positive on this, yet are aware that  change will be not happen overnight. But it's never too late starting and contributing. And that is exactly what we do.


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